Frequently used on 4chan, the word is a taken from the popular Admiral Ackbar meme It’s a Trap and used to express fear that someone is attempting to trick or confuse others sexuality through appearance changes.' 'Trap” is an internet slang term used online for people who crossdress and androgynous anime characters. Its something I have been noticing more and more as I get deeper into the Twitch community and VRChat in general is the phrase *traps are gay* and certain others like *traps should go to prison* or asking every female avatar if they are a trap and then making a grandiose statement and reaction when they hear a male voice. not very knowledgeable on as I have no transgender friends/family and my only experience is following transgender people in the gaming industry, media, and others who share their stories. This a topic that has been running through my head for the last week a topic that I am.